Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Barack Obama, it's OK to be in Indiana not Memphis

My dear friend Cornel West, I can appreciate your disapproval of Barack Obama's absence at the MLK's event in Memphis but I emphatically disagree with you because your position as noble as it may sound is pathetically wrong.

To rebuke Obama for not making a symbolic visit to Memphis is to ignore the enormous responsibility he has for successfully conducting his campaign for the most important political office in the land, the president of the United States. Is there any priority greater than that at this time for Obama?

As hard as Obama has tried to convince people that he isn't doing things the same old way, some folks like you my friend still don't get it. Obama is hunting for an elephant and can't afford to stop and throw stones at small animals. This is an old African adage and you sir Cornel West may want to add this to your wisdom pouch. It's important to note that my comment by no means diminishes the

Dr King is now a living legend and his memory will be celebrated every year for as long as America exists but Obama has just one shot at the opportunity of being elected president. I'm sure Dr King would approve of his judgment of tending to the important business of being in Indiana and not be distracted by the opportunistic display of reference.

I will not disparage Hillary Clinton and John McCain for being in Memphis to honor Dr King. They are doing what is politically expedient for them. It's worthy of note that John McCain voted against the King Holiday. I commend him for his apology for finally seeing the light. He needed to cleanse his soul and that's acceptable.

Hillary Clinton needed to be in Memphis to salvage the damage her campaign has inflicted upon black race relations. Thanks to Bill and Carville for employing cut throat win at all cost tactics?

My words of wisdom to all black leaders elected or not, intellectuals and clergies alike are to refrain from misguided criticism of Barack Obama and to stop acting in ways that would destroy his chances of being elected president. If these leaders can't help, they should get out of the way.

The thing that is encouraging though is that the black populace is wise to something. They have realized the short comings of their black leadership and are now signing on to the new vision and hope presented by Barack Obama.

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